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Bernard Bosmans12-Jan-2022 23:23
Good morning Seija, how are you? It's your birthday today, so I like to wish you a wonderful day with your family and friends, wish you good health and much happiness. Hyvää syntymäpäivää. Best regards, Ben.
Tom LeRoy12-Jan-2011 10:34
Thank you for sharing your great images. I have learned so much about your beautiful country. Also thank you very much for visiting my galleries and for your very kind and appreciated comments. Best Regards, Tom
John Armstrong19-Oct-2009 12:04
Added you to my skies topic

John Armstrong09-Jun-2009 07:23
Thanks for your continuing visits to my galleries and your kind words. I enjoy catching up with your new ideas!
flowsnow18-Oct-2007 03:25
Great work Ceya. Thanks for your support to my galleries. Likewise I always enjoy looking at your work. Keep it up.
Guest 04-Oct-2007 06:33
Hi Ceya,thanks for all your kind comments to my galleries,I enjoyed visiting yours too,you live in a wonderful regards Brigitte
Don Lambert24-Sep-2007 07:26
Hey Ceya, thank you so much for your kind comments on my galleries. I've only just sorted out how to send these messages. Cheers - Don.
Pawel Kazmierczyk12-Aug-2007 18:16
Hey, Ceya. You really have a talent for photography. I have enjoyed visiting your galleries - the range of topics, the originality of viewpoint, and the personal style of narration. Well done, and keep it up ! Greetings from Poland. Moi moi. Pawel
Jørgen Erik Christensen28-Jul-2007 21:20
Thanks a lot for your kind comments on my PAD gallery. I am glad you stopped by and left the comments so I could find your great galleries. You have some really great photographs here.
Ha' det godt, regards Jørgen :-)
Alejandro27-Jul-2007 18:07
Many thanks for your comments. You have great galleries.
Rosemarie Kusserow29-Jun-2007 19:24
Hi dear Ceya, thanks a lot for your kind comments and votes on my flower shots, I´m glad you liked them so much, have a nice weekend, Rosemarie :o)
anuschka28-Jun-2007 18:17
Thanks for visiting my flowers and appreciating them!
kind regards, anuschka
Lampridis Dimitris20-Jun-2007 14:24
Thank you for visiting , and your kind comments , Regards .......
Luca Bracci02-May-2007 12:28
Thank you for your kind comments !!!!

Ciao Luca
Paco López19-Apr-2007 15:03
You have a very nice work here, beautiful and colourful!! A pleasure!!
Thanks for your very nice comments in my galleries.
Best regards, Paco.
Esa Ervasti02-Apr-2007 07:03
Thanks for your comments Ceya.
Olet sitten pistänyt vauhtia diaskannaukseen, kivan näköistä jälkeä!
Täytyy katsoa paremmalla ajalla nyt on kauhea kevätkuume ulos...
Zaid Kurdi27-Mar-2007 12:59
Amazing photos,thanks for sharing.
Guest 07-Mar-2007 06:18
Can I just say that you're awesome?
Guest 05-Mar-2007 22:12
Nice Gallery
Jean-Luc Rollier05-Mar-2007 18:19
Hello Ceyafi,
Thank you fo your fidelity...
Best regards
Pete Nelson04-Mar-2007 18:56
Hello Ceyafi,
Thanks for visiting my galleries and your kind comments,
I've enjoyed looking through yours too,
Jean-Luc Rollier22-Feb-2007 13:01
Merci pour vos commentaires sur mes images bretonnes;
J'ai bien aimé votre galerie sur la cathédrale
Luca Bracci22-Feb-2007 12:50
Thank you very much for visiting my gallery.

Jan Koster31-Jan-2007 20:02
Hi CeyaFi,
Thanks for your kind comments about my pictures. I really enjoyed your impressions of Finland, which reminded me of my (2) visits there many years ago.
Cheers, --Jan
Guest 28-Jan-2007 08:43
Thanks for your comments and viewing my gallery. Your gallery is also fabulous with different themes.
Salah El-Sadek16-Jan-2007 03:02
Hi Ceyafi,
Thaks a lot for your visit and your kind comments on my shots,
I have enjoyed going through your galleries viewing your nice sjhots, and sure i wll visit again for viewing the your new downloads and work..
Jola Dziubinska13-Jan-2007 22:13
Hi, Ceyafi, Thanks for some comments in my galleries, I found your photos very interesting and original.
Guest 08-Jan-2007 07:21
Thanks for visiting my gallery! I love your idea of galleries by color! Beautiful!
Guest 07-Jan-2007 13:06
Thank for visit my gallery.I hope you take photo your beautiful city share to me.
boliston27-Dec-2006 23:09
Hello CeyaFi

Thanks for the comments about my photo of Sherford Stream!

This was one of the few places which did not have any dumped shopping trolleys or bicycles! I just got a Nikkor 35mm/2.0 lens for Christmas so I was out testing the lens for the first time. Threre was very little light so it's just as well I had the f2.0 lens.

Cheers and a happy new year - Adrian
Michal Pistol18-Dec-2006 06:02
Hi Ceyafi,

Lots of thanks for visiting my gallery, and for your kind comments. Your gallery is lovely !. I've enjoyed seeing your photos . Michal
January Grey15-Dec-2006 17:41
Hello Ceyafi,

Many thanks for visiting my gallery, and for your kind comments. You have some very interesting and lovely photos here. I've enjoyed seeing the beauty of your country & surroundings through your lens. Thank you for sharing!
Guest 13-Dec-2006 16:54
thanks for visiting in my gallery - I have updated some pics from wales and engalnd - You are welcome ot view it.
Jarek M05-Dec-2006 11:48

Thank you for visiting my gallery and your kind comments.

Guest 03-Dec-2006 20:57
Thanks for the comments and visiting my galery, new shots added!!

Regards from Barcelona
H. P. Henriksen Starman02-Dec-2006 09:10
Thank for visiting my gallery and for the comments. Thanks from Denmark
Waynes World of Pictures27-Nov-2006 23:43
Thank you for the great comments.
I will will be curious to see more of your work
in the future.
Regards from Wayne
IconeOClaste26-Nov-2006 15:01
No Strasbourg but Colmar .... ;-)

Merci de votre visite ...
Guest 25-Nov-2006 22:29
Many thanks for all the nice comments on my images...
Peter Chou24-Nov-2006 13:34
Thanks for visiting my gallery! Thank you for showing your world through the wonderful pictures!
Vadim Levin23-Nov-2006 17:38
Very nice gallery's! Good luck! Thanks for visiting my gallery.
Guest 23-Nov-2006 16:10

Thanks for visiting my gallery and leave a comment. I enjoyed viewing your photos too ... bye and don't remember to vote if you like!
John Dicus19-Nov-2006 00:30
Thanks for dropping by the gallery and leaving the comments. I spent some time perusing your galleries here today, and am impressed by the diversity of subject matter displayed here. Nice work on your pbase site, and thanks for posting.
Guest 18-Nov-2006 07:24

I've enjoyed viewing your marvelous photos. I can only imagine the future photos from you. They're going to be so great! Thank you for sharing and happy shooting!
Guest 15-Nov-2006 17:55
Thank you so much for commenting on my "Autumn Leaves" gallery.
Greetings from Poland
Guest 15-Nov-2006 17:08
Thanks for visiting my gallery and leave comment. You have started t\with a good galleries and I enjoyed viewing the your photos. Keep on clicking and posting.
