31-Jan-2025 16:51

:: Tribute to Philip Spencer ::
24-Oct-2020 15:05

:: Margery Eleanor Joan Spencer Rutherford ::
12-Apr-2016 11:56

:: Northern Gannets in Delaware Bay ::
11-Apr-2016 16:06

:: Olympus OM-d EM-1 ::
16-Dec-2014 12:51

:: tribute to my mom ::
29-Jul-2012 02:50

:: Osprey Platform - Slade Dade Sanctuary, Point Pleasant, NJ ::
04-Jul-2012 15:49

:: Gull Island 2012 ::
06-Apr-2012 12:03

:: Florida 2012 ::
06-Mar-2012 03:56

:: miscellaneous E5 shots ::
26-Feb-2012 17:16

:: Frosty Brigantine morning ::
22-Feb-2012 04:08

:: Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge ::
02-Nov-2011 01:29

:: Chincoteague, VA NWR ::