27-Sep-2018 11:28

06-Apr-2013 15:01

Wisconsin... Snow's gone... Time for Cedar Waxwings!
26-May-2011 13:35

Antarctic Trip 2010 (incomplete, more to come...)
19-Jul-2010 21:21

25-Jun-2010 18:07

19-Jun-2010 02:02

Wisconsin Gallery
13-May-2010 00:40

-- Antarctica -- 99 Minutes, Off Rothera Point
13-Jan-2010 18:17

Quadtone Gallery
01-Dec-2009 01:07

Wisconsin Arts & Architecture
14-Jun-2008 23:30

Afternoon Gale Hits Middleton
14-Jun-2008 18:44

Visit to Morey Field
03-Oct-2006 20:33

Odds and Ends Gallery