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Jal Root
:: vela_kuka__folklife_2023 ::
Delta Event 2020 With Microsoft Travel/Amex GBT & Marriott Hotels
:: Delta Event 2020 With Microsoft Travel/Amex GBT & Marriott Hotels ::
Vela Luka & Ruze Dalmatinke @ CroatiaFest 2018
:: Vela Luka & Ruze Dalmatinke @ CroatiaFest 2018 ::
Annual Naturalization Ceremony 04JUL2018 Seattle Center
:: Annual Naturalization Ceremony 04JUL2018 Seattle Center ::
Cultural Crossroads2018
:: Cultural Crossroads2018 ::
Vela Luka @ CroatiaFest 2017
:: Vela Luka @ CroatiaFest 2017 ::
Radost @ 40
:: Radost @ 40 ::
Spring Festa @ Croatian Cultural Center - Anacortes
:: Spring Festa @ Croatian Cultural Center - Anacortes ::
Cultural Crossroads 2016
:: Cultural Crossroads 2016 ::
Vela Luka & Bonaca at CroatiaFest 2015
:: Vela Luka & Bonaca at CroatiaFest 2015 ::
Leap 2015
:: Leap 2015 ::
Maria Bermudez' Sonidos Gitanos Flamenco
:: Maria Bermudez' Sonidos Gitanos Flamenco ::
A day in St. Augustine
:: A day in St. Augustine ::
Annual Naturalization Ceremony (2015)
:: Annual Naturalization Ceremony (2015)  ::
Shefali & Charles
:: Shefali & Charles ::
Vela Luka At Winterfest 2014
:: Vela Luka At Winterfest 2014 ::
Cultural CrossRoads 2014
:: Cultural CrossRoads 2014 ::
Bainbridge & Beyond.....
:: Bainbridge & Beyond..... ::
Vela Luka and Ruže Dalmatinke @ CroatiaFest 2014
:: Vela Luka and Ruže Dalmatinke @ CroatiaFest 2014 ::
Summer and Fall 2014
:: Summer and Fall 2014 ::
Tracy Arm Fjord, South Sawyer Glacier...........
:: Tracy Arm Fjord, South Sawyer Glacier........... ::
30th Annual Naturalization Ceremony (2014)
:: 30th Annual Naturalization Ceremony (2014) ::
St. Patrick's Day Parade 2014
:: St. Patrick's Day Parade 2014 ::
32nd Annual Dinner and Awards Ceremony
:: 32nd Annual Dinner and Awards Ceremony ::
Seattle Irish Week 2014
:: Seattle Irish Week 2014 ::
Cultural CrossRoads 2013
:: Cultural CrossRoads 2013 ::
Vela Luka @ CroatiaFest 2013
:: Vela Luka @ CroatiaFest 2013 ::
Rahsaan & Pooja Wedding
:: Rahsaan & Pooja Wedding ::
:: rahsaanpoojawedding ::
 Annual Naturalization Ceremony  2013
::  Annual Naturalization Ceremony 2013 ::
Take Steps for Crohns & Colitis
:: Take Steps for Crohns & Colitis ::
Cultural Crossroads 2012
:: Cultural Crossroads 2012 ::
Vela Luka @ CroatiaFest 2012
:: Vela Luka @ CroatiaFest 2012 ::
 28th Annual Naturalization Ceremony - 2012
::  28th Annual Naturalization Ceremony - 2012 ::
Ethnic Heritage Council SpringFest 2012
:: Ethnic Heritage Council SpringFest 2012 ::
Ethnic Heritage Council 31st Annual Dinner & Awards Ceremony
:: Ethnic Heritage Council 31st Annual Dinner & Awards Ceremony ::
Cultural Crossroads 2011
:: Cultural Crossroads 2011 ::
Vela Luka @ CroatiaFest 2011
:: Vela Luka @ CroatiaFest 2011 ::
Around Mt. Baker
:: Around Mt. Baker ::
27th Annual Naturalization Ceremony - 2011
:: 27th Annual Naturalization Ceremony - 2011 ::
EHC Springfest 2011
:: EHC Springfest 2011 ::
Winter WorldFest 2010
:: Winter WorldFest 2010 ::
New Mexico
:: New Mexico ::
A brief visit to the Oregon Coast
:: A brief visit to the Oregon Coast ::
A Close Up of Fall
:: A Close Up of Fall ::
Snoqualmie Rail Yard
:: Snoqualmie Rail Yard ::
Seattle Center & EMP
:: Seattle Center & EMP ::
Favorites 2002
:: Favorites 2002 ::
Colors Of  Fall...2002
:: Colors Of Fall...2002 ::
Favorites 2003
:: Favorites 2003 ::
:: TULIPS 2004 ::
I love trouble
:: I love trouble ::
Tulips 2005
:: Tulips 2005 ::
North Cascades Highway & Snoqualmie Falls Trail
:: North Cascades Highway & Snoqualmie Falls Trail ::
Winthrop, WA
:: Winthrop, WA ::
Stop The Car
:: Stop The Car ::
Abstracts, Designs And Observations
:: Abstracts, Designs And Observations ::
San Juan Islands
:: San Juan Islands ::
Arizona Mix
:: Arizona Mix ::
Tulips 2008
:: Tulips 2008 ::
:: Arizona ::
Hawaii’s Big Island
:: Hawaii’s Big Island ::
Ethnic Heritage Council - Annual Awards Dinner 2011
:: Ethnic Heritage Council - Annual Awards Dinner 2011 ::
Vela Luka and Ruže Dalmatinke at Croatiafest 2010
:: Vela Luka and Ruže Dalmatinke at Croatiafest 2010 ::
26th Annual Naturalization Ceremony - 2010
:: 26th Annual Naturalization Ceremony - 2010 ::
Ethnic Heritage Council 2010 - 30 Years
:: Ethnic Heritage Council 2010 - 30 Years ::
Winter WorldFest 2009
:: Winter WorldFest 2009 ::
Narai 2009
:: Narai 2009 ::
Cultural Crossroads 2009
:: Cultural Crossroads 2009 ::
CroatiaFest 2009
:: CroatiaFest 2009 ::
25th Annual Naturalization Ceremony - 2009
:: 25th Annual Naturalization Ceremony - 2009 ::
Ethnic Heritage Council - 28th Annual Awards Dinner
:: Ethnic Heritage Council - 28th Annual Awards Dinner ::
St. Patrick's day Parade 2009
:: St. Patrick's day Parade 2009 ::
Winter WorldFest 2008
:: Winter WorldFest 2008 ::
Cultural Crossroads 2008
:: Cultural Crossroads 2008 ::
MorningStar Narae 2008
:: MorningStar Narae 2008 ::
CroatiaFest 2008
:: CroatiaFest 2008 ::
24th Annual Naturalization Ceremony - 2008
:: 24th Annual Naturalization Ceremony - 2008 ::
Irish Week 2008
:: Irish Week 2008 ::
Simply Seattle
:: Simply Seattle ::
Yellow Submarine and Others
:: Yellow Submarine and Others ::
Ana & Mario
:: Ana & Mario ::
EHC 27th Annual Awards Dinner
:: EHC 27th Annual Awards Dinner ::
Winter WorldFest2007
:: Winter WorldFest2007 ::
Evening Of Sevdah
:: Evening Of Sevdah ::
Cultural Crossroads 2007
:: Cultural Crossroads 2007 ::
CroatiaFest 2007
:: CroatiaFest 2007 ::
:: Notables ::
23rd Annual Naturalization Ceremony - 2007
:: 23rd Annual Naturalization Ceremony - 2007 ::
Coalition of Irish Immigration Centers
:: Coalition of Irish Immigration Centers ::
EHC 26th Annual Awards Dinner
:: EHC 26th Annual Awards Dinner ::
Irish Week 2007
:: Irish Week 2007 ::
Washington Stories
:: Washington Stories ::
Winter Worldfest 2006
:: Winter Worldfest 2006 ::
Cultural Crossroads 2006
:: Cultural Crossroads 2006 ::
CroatiaFest 2006
:: CroatiaFest 2006 ::
22nd Annual Naturalization Ceremony - 2006
:: 22nd Annual Naturalization Ceremony - 2006 ::
Irish Week 2006
:: Irish Week 2006 ::
Quichua Mashis
:: Quichua Mashis ::
Ethnic Heritage Council - 25 Years
:: Ethnic Heritage Council - 25 Years ::
Cultural Crossroads 2005
:: Cultural Crossroads 2005 ::
CroatiaFest 2005
:: CroatiaFest 2005 ::
Winter WorldFest 2005
:: Winter WorldFest 2005 ::
Trapeze, Seattle Center
:: Trapeze, Seattle Center ::
21st Annual Naturalization Ceremony, Seattle, WA
:: 21st Annual Naturalization Ceremony, Seattle, WA ::
A Children's Gathering Place
:: A Children's Gathering Place ::
NorthWest FolkLife Festival 2005 at Seattle Center
:: NorthWest FolkLife Festival 2005 at Seattle Center ::
Carmona Flamenco
:: Carmona Flamenco ::
President of Ireland in Seattle
:: President of Ireland in Seattle ::
Best of 2004
:: Best of 2004 ::
World Rhythm Festival at Seattle Center
:: World Rhythm Festival at Seattle Center ::
20th Annual Naturalization Ceremony, July 4th 2004, Seattle, WA
:: 20th Annual Naturalization Ceremony, July 4th 2004, Seattle, WA ::
 Winter Worldfest 2004
::  Winter Worldfest 2004 ::
Cultural Crossroads 2004
:: Cultural Crossroads 2004 ::
CroatiaFest 2004
:: CroatiaFest 2004 ::
Vela Luka, A Croatian Dance and Music Celebration
:: Vela Luka, A Croatian Dance and Music Celebration ::
Wedding Samples
:: Wedding Samples ::
:: Rust ::
:: hollyandy ::
At Pike Place Market
:: At Pike Place Market ::
La Peña Flamenca de Seattle
:: La Peña Flamenca de Seattle ::
Cultural Crossroads 2003
:: Cultural Crossroads 2003 ::
Search For The Turul Bird
:: Search For The Turul Bird ::
Street Musicians
:: Street Musicians ::
Portraits in BW
:: Portraits in BW ::
Skagit County
:: Skagit County ::
Bellevue Botanical Gardens
:: Bellevue Botanical Gardens ::
Tulip Festival
:: Tulip Festival ::
:: Jai ::
Woodinville, 10th Anniversary Celebrations
:: Woodinville, 10th Anniversary Celebrations ::
:: Flowers ::
Pre-Parade Proclamation Brunch
:: Pre-Parade Proclamation Brunch ::
St. Patrick's Day Parade 2004
:: St. Patrick's Day Parade 2004 ::
Friends Of St. Patrick Banquet
:: Friends Of St. Patrick Banquet ::
2004 Green Stripe Laying
:: 2004 Green Stripe Laying ::
St. Patty's Dash
:: St. Patty's Dash ::
Mass For Peace
:: Mass For Peace ::
2004 Irish Week at Seattle Center
:: 2004 Irish Week at Seattle Center ::
Seattle Events
:: Seattle Events ::
Irish Week Celebrations 2005
:: Irish Week Celebrations 2005 ::
St. Patrick's day Parade in Seattle 2005
:: St. Patrick's day Parade in Seattle 2005 ::
Irish Club Events
:: Irish Club Events ::
Ethnic Heritage Council Events
:: Ethnic Heritage Council Events ::
Seattle area events
:: Seattle area events ::
Anita's Saanjhi
:: Anita's Saanjhi ::
Anita & Mitresh
:: Anita & Mitresh ::
2nd Annual Crossroads of the World on Parade
:: 2nd Annual Crossroads of the World on Parade ::
Crossroads 2005 Marketplace
:: Crossroads 2005 Marketplace ::
Cultural Crossroads 2005 Performances
:: Cultural Crossroads 2005 Performances ::
A Little Of Everything
:: A Little Of Everything ::
The Local Scene
:: The Local Scene ::
July 2003 Gallery
:: July 2003 Gallery ::
May Collection - An assortment of Photographs
:: May Collection - An assortment of Photographs ::
June Collection - An assortment of Photographs
:: June Collection - An assortment of Photographs ::
A day at Woodland Park Zoo
:: A day at Woodland Park Zoo ::
A short visit to Camano Island
:: A short visit to Camano Island ::
August 2003a
:: August 2003a ::
La Conner, Washington
:: La Conner, Washington ::
A Mixed Bag
:: A Mixed Bag ::
Odds N Ends 2003
:: Odds N Ends 2003 ::
:: Shiv ::
Seattle's Irish Week
:: Seattle's Irish Week ::
Friends Of St. Patrick  Dinner 2006
:: Friends Of St. Patrick Dinner 2006 ::
St. Patricks Day Parade 2006
:: St. Patricks Day Parade 2006 ::
Irish Week Festival, 2006, Seattle Center
:: Irish Week Festival, 2006, Seattle Center ::
:: Ghar ::
Alma Plancich
:: Alma Plancich ::
:: Hirasha ::
Chuck's Company
:: Chuck's Company ::
Mass For Peace 2007
:: Mass For Peace 2007 ::
St. Patrick's Day Parade 2007
:: St. Patrick's Day Parade 2007 ::
Friends Of St. Patrick's Dinner
:: Friends Of St. Patrick's Dinner ::
Irish Week at Seattle Center 2007
:: Irish Week at Seattle Center 2007 ::
St. Patrick's day Parade 2008
:: St. Patrick's day Parade 2008 ::
Mass For Peace 2008
:: Mass For Peace 2008 ::
Irish week 2008 @ Seattle center
:: Irish week 2008 @ Seattle center ::
From Within
:: From Within ::
Christmas 2008
:: Christmas 2008 ::
CroatiaFest 2009 Special Donor Reception
:: CroatiaFest 2009 Special Donor Reception ::
CroatiaFest 2009 Sunday
:: CroatiaFest 2009 Sunday ::
Heena & Shiv
:: Heena & Shiv ::
:: PR ::
Rahsaan & Pooja @ the Temple
:: Rahsaan & Pooja @ the Temple ::
Pooja Saanjhi
:: Pooja Saanjhi ::
Irish Week 2014 - Seattle  Mayor's Proclamation Lunch
:: Irish Week 2014 - Seattle Mayor's Proclamation Lunch ::
A Day in Juneau with Friends & Family
:: A Day in Juneau with Friends & Family ::
:: SandiO ::
Megan & Sumit Girdhar
:: Megan & Sumit Girdhar ::
Juneau Impressions
:: Juneau Impressions ::
:: 2015 ::
Rahul & Pooja's Wedding, Crowne Plaza Ravinia, GA - 26May2018
:: Rahul & Pooja's Wedding, Crowne Plaza Ravinia, GA - 26May2018 ::