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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Oscar the Nursing Home Cat > Oscar the NH Cat October 18 2005.jpg
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Oscar the NH Cat October 18 2005.jpg

Oscar, is the new addition to the Nursing Home!

He is now old enough to make rounds in the dementia unit.
Here he eyes the yellow mop that is cleaning the floor
in the dining room of a dementia unit.

It is amazing to see Oscar or his sister, Maya, jump
on the lap of someone with severe dementia and they start
stroking the cat--

Here is close up of Oscar

October 18 2005

Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX1
1/10s f/3.6 at 10.8mm iso100 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time18-Oct-2005 10:23:24
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length10.8 mm
Exposure Time1/10 sec
ISO Equivalent100
Exposure Bias
White Balance (-1)
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality (6)
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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royalld26-Jul-2007 13:34
I saw an Associated Press article about Oscar in my local newspaper this morning.
They did not mention where the Nursing Home was located, but when they quoted Dr. Joan Teno in the article... a bright 'ah ha' light came on in my head. Oscar is quite a cat.
FrankB23-Jun-2007 22:29
my kind of picture....simple but hard to see!....beautiful...V
Sheila19-Oct-2005 21:57
Great image. No need for words with him watching the moving mop so intently.
joanteno19-Oct-2005 18:00
Thanks for the comments. Oscar lives in the NH! He and his sister, Maya, have adjusted to a locked dementia unit and they are loved by staff and nursing home residents.
Karen Stuebing19-Oct-2005 10:49
Oscar looks like he's not sure about that mop. :) What a great idea to bring him to a nursing home. I have a couple clients with Alzheimer's. Neither have pets. I might suggest this to their families. Thanks for the idea. It's wonderful when they make contact with something.
ewa toll19-Oct-2005 07:40
very nice picture, like the moove of the mop , Oscar too I think !
Steven Jusczyk19-Oct-2005 06:40
NIce narrative, looks like he's ready and waiting.
Brian McAllister19-Oct-2005 04:35
Inspiring image.