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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> Primary Color: It all about Color > Pbase Reflection on the way to the Frelding Hotel October 7 2006.jpg
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Pbase Reflection on the way to the Frelding Hotel October 7 2006.jpg

I am going to borrow Banditos line (hope you don't mind)..

If it Saturday (and that is big if in my mind right now),
I am in London!

I am the one on the exteme right -- hopefully, a latte will wake me
up to go catch a photography exhibit at the national portrait gallery..


Beautiful day in London..

Nikon D80
1/80s f/5.0 at 62.0mm iso400 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time07-Oct-2006 06:26:30
ModelNIKON D80
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length62 mm
Exposure Time1/80 sec
ISO Equivalent400
Exposure Bias-0.33
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Guest 11-Dec-2006 16:07
A striking, bold composition with so many subtle details. Excellent.
royalld10-Oct-2006 21:09
Very nice.
Greg Harp10-Oct-2006 02:40
Terrific work.
Guest 07-Oct-2006 13:55
Brilliantly dramatic image!