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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture of the Day 2006 >> October PESO or PAD 2006 > pbase Honest I didnt do it October 26 2006.jpg
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pbase Honest I didnt do it October 26 2006.jpg

Java, showing the guilty look.
Now what did he do...

Nikon D80
1/6s f/3.5 at 18.0mm iso400 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time26-Oct-2006 14:09:06
ModelNIKON D80
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length18 mm
Exposure Time1/6 sec
ISO Equivalent400
Exposure Bias-0.67
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jackdad28-Oct-2006 21:31
oh this is so, so funny! the eyes... the ears... the posture of total apology. Nothing like a lab apology. :-)
Guest 28-Oct-2006 20:21
Great capture. I'm sure he did do it! My dog wasn't quite as cooperative in "fessing" up to her crime -
Guest 28-Oct-2006 03:55
Oh, of course he didn't do it, someone else must have! Beautiful shot.
Give him a kiss from his MN friends.
royalld27-Oct-2006 21:04
LOL... you may not find out what he did for months.
Pic Chick27-Oct-2006 02:56
LOL - oh boy do I know THAT look! Best be checking around to see if he either left you a 'present' or demolished your shoes! GREAT shot!!!! Focus is perfecto!
Sheila27-Oct-2006 02:32
LOL! Hope you found out what it was!
Rochelle Weiss27-Oct-2006 02:24
Ahhh, look at those adorable eyes.
Dave Wixx27-Oct-2006 02:08
And the reply is always going to be "Oh, OK!"
Knox O26-Oct-2006 23:57
now THATS Guilt!
Focus26-Oct-2006 22:28
Wonderful!!!!.......looks just like my Libby...........nice shot.
Linda Alstead26-Oct-2006 21:03
aaahhhh - how could you possibly think this angel had done wrong? You must be mistaken!
Sharon Rogers26-Oct-2006 20:02
hehe very, very good look!
shatterbug26-Oct-2006 19:20
Wonderful capture! Now those are puppy dog eyes :-)
Greg Harp26-Oct-2006 19:00
Marvelous portrait. :)