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Lee03-Nov-2009 08:09
Hi Karen,

He's gonna love it, I'm sure.

Thanks for dropping by!

Karen Walling 25-Aug-2009 13:09
My surrogate son liked your delightful dog photos so much, that he wants his next dog to be a Pomeranian. I can't argue with that. I will be researching Poms through to be sure we know what we are going to be getting into.
Lee10-Jun-2009 02:15
Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for the encouragement!

Guest 06-Mar-2008 05:56
Hello, Lee

You have taken many historial moment pictures of Hongkong.

Same as you, I like contruction photogarphy very much, since it shown the changes in Hongkong.

Take more photos~
Lee23-Nov-2007 14:11

Nice to know you!

Hubert Hiew 23-Nov-2007 03:52
Yes, it's a dying breed in HK. I'm from Malaysia and have lived in HK since 1979. I would like to use my Hakka otherwise it would be rusty. I work in Macau but return to HK for the weekend. So I would like to practise my Hakka with you.
Hubert Hiew
Guest 28-Jul-2007 07:35
thanks for visiting my album !~>
Lee01-Jul-2007 04:05
Thanks for your kind comment!
Guest 27-Jun-2007 13:35
Good stuff.
Lee11-Mar-2007 01:16
Thanks for your interest!
Guest 08-Mar-2007 09:13
Tears to my eyes...almost.
Lee24-May-2006 00:34
Thanks! 23-May-2006 15:37
Looked through your site. Good work! Ken.
Lee18-Dec-2005 13:39
Thanks! It's just too bad we weren't able to monitor the other parts of Discovery Bay like we did for Siena and Chianti.
m 18-Dec-2005 08:45
great pictures here. as a DB resident its particularly interesting looking at the development of siena and chianti progress!
Lee04-Dec-2005 07:27
Thanks for your kind comments. Yes H.K. has changed quite a lot over the years, so it's time to visit us again! :-)
Brando Ho04-Dec-2005 05:41
Hi Lee,
I enjoy your galleries about Hong Kong. I left Hong Kong over 30 years ago, it looks like a new world now. I am sure if I go back to visit I will need a lot of memory cards. Thanks for sharing. I'll be back soon.

Richard Haas 24-Oct-2005 09:02
could you please contact me. Thanks in advance
Guest 17-Dec-2004 11:04
Thanks for visiting my galleries... ^_^!!
your galleries are beautiful... Yeah Yeah!! ^0^
Naturephoto Monique16-Dec-2004 00:32
Lee, your galleries are beautiful, thanks for sharing your wonderful work!

Kathryn 24-Nov-2004 19:26
Hi -

Your pictures are beautiful. I'm currently working on my undergraduate senior thesis on landscape design using Discovery Bay as one of my case studies. I would like to use a few of your photographs to illustrate my points, fully credited to you of course. There are a few that will not download in color and I wondering if you would be willing to email them to me. Please email me if this is a possibility at Thank you so much.

Guest 11-Oct-2004 03:07
HI Lee
Thanks for visiting my galleries. You like travelling a lot, I believe and I wish I could travel so often as you. Also, your collection of gears is impressive.
Guest 06-Oct-2004 05:19
hello lee,
thanks very much for your kind messages.
i see you have many cameras.... wow @.@
some are old and valuable... envy........

btw, i went to the hk flower show too, u can have a look when u have time~
have a nice day,
Guest 24-Jul-2004 09:49
Interesantes fotografias
Gracias por compartirlas
En EspaƱa tienes un amigo para lo que quieras
Joe K. 14-Jul-2004 14:10
Nice pics. The camera tests are not bad either.
Guest 27-Mar-2004 11:25
I realy like your photos.i vote for this gallery :)

welcome to my image bank ,NIKON D100 Gallery
Guest 07-Jun-2003 14:28
Hi David,

Thanks for your nice comment on my gallery! I'm an amateur photographer. You must be a professional photographer as I know that you own many kinds of camera from your gallery.
