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Veronica Fresh27-Oct-2008 03:37
You have a sensational group of Galleries. Needless to say, I was most attracted to the Creative Matrix Gallery. Amazing, some I remember, yet most I do not recognize. You must have been active long before I came on the scene. I also love the deer in the Keep it up. Art is a tremendous healer.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 11:02
Your photos have really made my day. Thank you.
Jeff Cochran27-Aug-2005 15:39
I'm glad I stopped by, very nice indeed.
Guest 01-Apr-2005 20:54

I just wanted to thank you for visiting my gallery and leaving your poem. It's beautifully crafted and fits my work wonderfully. I appreciate your taking the time to do this.

Liz 09-Feb-2005 19:43
Hello Melody,
The pictures are beautiful and artistic. I look forward to seeing more of my home town and friends. Keep up the wonderful work and stay in touch... that means you too Jules.
Einar Johannessen19-Nov-2004 12:19
Hello, Melody!
I saw your beautiful pics from Elmira. Good work! I used to work in Elmira for a short time more than 10 years ago in the train factory.

Also could not help noticing your cheese pic. Jarlsberg is a Norwegian cheese, but, of course, you knew that already, huh ?
Jose Mendez 14-Jul-2004 14:50
Melody, you have learned Digital Photography courseĀ“s lessons very well! Your pics are really good! I had taken same course and enjoyed your posts. Keep up with your great work!
Greetings from Monterrey,Mexico!
Dave 08-Jul-2004 02:26
Greetings Lady, I am the Knights Marshal for the SCA Group at your Rainbow Riders Exibit.

Thank you for doing such justice to my fighters.

Dave Miller
AKA Gilchrist