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Robert Scanlon | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Immobilier Professionnel Annecy28-May-2019 13:09
Buen trabajo, me encantan tus fotos
Yvone 27-Sep-2014 21:30
Great job, glad to find such valuable information. If you allow me, I would like to give a suggestion, perhaps would be a good idea to mention the common names of the birds you have found as it would be beneficial to keep both sources of information. Thanks in advance. All the best!, Yvonne.
Alba Maria Villegas 24-Apr-2010 04:25
Exelente trabajo, gracias por compartirlo, pinto acuarela y me ha servido mucho este material. Felicitaciones. Son una belleza los pajaros que tenemos.

AƱba Maria Villegas
Rafael Rogelio Nunez 20-Mar-2009 15:26
Es muy placentero despues de vivir en Fundacion, Magdalena. Colombia con la cercania de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta y la zona bananera, con una riqueza unica de Fauna y Flora y por haber observado por muchos anos y convivir con muchos de ellos el encontrar una recapitulacion y condensacion de un excelente trabajo fotografico y una calidad unica. Gracias por compartir esta una de las miles facetas de este hermoso pais y que necesitamos conservar.
I has lived in USA for 18 years, always have a good memory of that wonderful birds of Colombia.
Rafael R. Nunez
Guest 26-Dec-2008 08:42
Hi Robert,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Guest 04-Oct-2008 10:38
Great Gallery Robert
Tom Friedel 28-Jul-2008 20:06
I came across your site searching for a photo of a Buffy Hummingbird, and was impressed by the large number of unusual species you have photographed. I would love for you to contribute some of your excellent bird photos to
Guest 05-Apr-2008 22:49
Congratulations Robert, You made the best birds photos
Guest 08-Dec-2007 21:24
Love the sets, especially the birds of prey.
Paula Martinez Lozano 07-Oct-2007 14:45
Excellent job!!!
Guest 14-Jun-2007 05:18
I'm jealous of how good you are.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 10:48
Fantastic gallery.
Luz 14-Dec-2005 01:56
Wonderful pictures! Thank you for reminding me of the beatifull birds we have in Colombia, the country I am from, but know I live in Alaska and lots of beautiful birds come here to breed in summer.
Amparo Mahecha 03-Oct-2005 21:21
Beautiful photos! I am becoming a bird watcher and they result very useful to identify the colorful birds I have already seen in my country. Congratulations!
Guest 20-Jul-2005 21:59
Your Neotropical bird images are among the best I've seen on the internet. I look forward to your next postings...

Scott Sillett
Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center
Guest 07-Jul-2005 07:32

I just visited your galleries and they are really great
keep up the good work

greetings from Belgium,
Tom Munson01-Jun-2005 20:11
Terrific bird images Robert. Thanks for sharing.
graham 24-Mar-2005 19:32
Hi Robert, just paid a visit to your site. The images of all the birds, are wonderfully done, and clear.
Naturephoto Monique27-Dec-2004 17:48
Hi Robert, you have wonderful galleries!
Thank you for sharing!

Best Wishes,
Guest 21-Oct-2004 19:04
Where I live, I can't see any bird. Therefore, I take more picturs of people than birds. Nice site. ;)
Guest 06-Oct-2004 14:43
Mr. Scanlon,

Your beatiful bird pictures are fascinating indeed. Thank you for sharing your treasure!!!
Robert Scanlon19-Sep-2004 20:21
Thanks for your kind comments Ernie. Most of the shots were taken with a Canon 10D and a 600mm F4 IS, but the Panama ones were with a Sigma 800mm f5.6.
Ernest Nixon19-Sep-2004 18:18
I forgot to ask what kind of equipment you useing...Ernie
Ernest Nixon19-Sep-2004 18:14
Great Bird Shots....Keep them coming......Ernie